Guidelines for trail planning, design and management – Designing sustainable trails

Are you the type of person that looks at the bush wondering why did they put the trail there?

Or, why don’t they just put a trail through there to connect ‘this’ with ‘that’?

Or, how come it takes so long to design and build that cool new trail we all want to ride?

At Hunter Mountain Bike Association our aim is to build sustainable trails that are easy to maintain and will stand the test of time, all the while causing the least damage to the natural environment and respecting both the environmentally and culturally sensitive areas that we ride through.

Our lead trail designers have trained in the ways of IMBA, and you too can gain a bit on an understanding of what goes into deciding on why we climb and descend through the bush in the way that we all love – just set aside 5 minutes to read the following attached document:

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